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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

One final departure, one final return

I'm back. I was gone for 4 days and Tomek was away camping for 3. It's wonderful to come home to hear how much he's glad I'm back... I think this weekend was the last time in a long while that we will be separated for longer than a day. I hope so anyway.

We have a wedding to go to this weekend, and I decided I need a nice preggo dress. I bought this one:

A much longer post to follow eventually. Right now my work is similar to that of moi's, I can't seem to catch up. But it makes the days go by fast. I can't WAIT for maternity leave. But I hope I don't go stir-crazy.

I introduced Tomek to Yahtzee last night, and it reminded me of the time I introduced him to Scrabble. You know, he's the guy who puts down "u-g-g-e-s-t" on an S and then asks "what's the blank tile for?", and plops it down after the T, thereby getting the 7-letter word bonus that I NEVER GET.

So yeah, on Tomek's first turn at Yahtzee he ROLLED a bloody Yahtzee (5 dice all the same). Second turn, full house. Third turn, another Yahtzee. GAH. (First Yahtzee is 50 pts, every one after that is 100 pts.) My rolls all sucked crap, but he whizzed along, getting his small straight, large straight and ANOTHER %$^$#ing Yahtzee. We didn't finish the game last night because his mom called and I got tired at the same time... yeah, I was just tired, not grumpy at all, not being a sore inevitable loser.

But I have a feeling that, like Scrabble, Yahtzee is going to become an abolished game in our house before too long. (Yes, I'm too competitive for my own good.)


moi said...

LOVE the dress. i'm glad you got something new to wear.

I understand on the abolished-board-game-front, K and I are WAY too competitive to play with each other. we end up glaring at the other person all night long.

which is only because I always win, you see? :)

Anonymous said...

its just a board game, ladies. amy is that competitive about them too. i'm not, and i don't mind throwing them, so it works out good for us.

i like the dress, phx. when is this l.b. due again?

shenry said...

What is it with work these days. We're all so busy.

I'm with ghost; I don't mind losing at games. And like ghost, I'll actually throw an occasional game because Silver is so competitive.

Krista said...

raven: thanks :) yes, it's an actual maternity dress. buying mat clothes in Canada (at least where I live) is a joke, they charge easily $80-90 for a pair of pants, I don't know what dresses would be, but that one was less than half the cost of a pair of pants here, and I got a pair of capris too, for $18.

I think soon Canadians are going to be flooding the States to shop, instead of the other way around. When I was driving down there, I got about 3/4 tank of gas for $20USD. Last night I got just a bit over that for $50CDN. No way in hell does the exchange rate even that out!

moi: oh oh, you BOTH are competitive? Tomek doesn't get fazed if I'm winning. And on the rare occassion that I am winning, he does that subtle pull-a-win-outta his-ass moves that leave me stunned and deflated. But really, I am just WAY too competitive.

ghost: hmm... I don't think Tomek would throw a game. And even if he did, I'd get pissed at him for "letting" me win. *shakes head* I'm horrible. LB is due July 27th.

shenry: it's like the weather gets nice and the job-gods don't want us enjoying it or something. gah. For me it's having MORE work than usual, plus trying to keep up with my regular stuff, AND writing up how to do every aspect of my job. That third task, with the way I've been treated here lately, I'm not so willing to do anymore. Grr.

goblinbox said...