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Friday, May 12, 2006

oh yeah

Our real estate "agent" called us this morning at 6:45 a.m. (insane, yes) to tell us that he couldn't help us with our house-hunting after all.


moi said...

what? why can't he help you guys??

...and what's with the early morning wake-up call?

moi said...

okay, because I can't comment on your above post, I'm commenting here.

phx, you are a beautiful, stong, intelligent woman who is going to birth another life in a few weeks. you have so much going on right now: LB, searching for a home, growing and learning with tomek. you do change yourself with a partner.. but that's not always a bad thing.

take a deep breath, step back from it all and look at how amazing you are.

you really, really are.