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Thursday, May 18, 2006

making it go right

I like this's a good kick in the pants.


This of course is a rather savage and brutal datum for it thrusts aside all justifications, reasonableness, excuses and even does not take into account the size of the obstacles of the opposition. 

But please note that the datum is not "are things all right around him," as this is a passive test and could mean only that he was simply sitting still.

Whether things are currently all right or not is beside the point.  The thetan who is making things go right may be tackling a mountain of confusion and of course things are not all right because what he is attacking is mainly wrong.  It is whether or not he is making things go right in spite of "hell or high water" that is the test.

Many beings live lives of quiet correctness without ever once making anything do anything.  Things around them just happen to be orderly.  The social system props them up.  But someday - bang - the society gets into a turmoil which knocks out the props.  THEN we see that there were too few present who could MAKE things go right and that is the end of society.  Thus died all old civilizations.  Their people lived in a system correctness and things went right only so long as nothing was going wrong.  Then one day things go wrong.  These sophisticated but weak beings never were able to MAKE things go right and so the whole society collapses. 

One might also ask, "What is meant by right?" 

This would be forwarding a purpose not destructive to the majority of the dynamics**. 


*thetan: the person himself-not his body or his name, the physical universe, his mind, or anything else; that which is aware of being aware; the identity which is the individual. The term was coined to eliminate any possible confusion with older, invalid concepts. It comes from the Greek letter Theta (Theta), which the Greeks used to represent thought or perhaps spirit, to which an n is added to make a noun in the modern style used to create words in engineering.

**dynamic(s): there could be said to be eight urges (drives, impulses) in life. These we call dynamics. These are motives or motivations. We call them the eight dynamics. These are urges for survival as or through (1) self, (2) sex and family, (3) groups, (4) all mankind, (5) living things (plants and animals), (6) the material universe, (7) spirits, and (8) infinity or the Supreme Being.


Anonymous said...

well, given the state of my country, i dont think the thetans have a say in anything. so were in no danger of going the way of those old civilizations.

Krista said...

you don't believe you or any other American has a say in anything? Interesting.

shenry said...

Religions are all so intriguing. I dig. You should post more about Scientology. I've always kinda wondered what exactly sold you on your beliefs?