Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Insomnia has been replaced with total exhaustion.

The nausea and dizziness has also returned.

Last night the only thing I could eat without feeling sicker was Chicken McNuggets.

We got a free used stroller, now we just have to buy the car seat attachment.

LB is more and more noticeable within me—I can feel body parts.

My dad turned 54 today. I called and sang him happy birthday. It made me sad.

My parents are going to be here on Sunday. It will be the second time I’ve seen my dad all year.
My heart breaks a little bit every time I see this picture:

He looks so moved. I look like I wish I was somewhere else.

Why can't I just be the daughter that makes him happy, makes him laugh, makes him proud?


goblinbox said...

Is it your job to be the daughter that makes him happy, makes him laugh, makes him proud?

One thing that might happen when your little bug arrives: you might discover he's happy just because you exist, because often that's how parents feel, and that the real truth is he's a shitty communicator and ends up making you feel unworthy by accident.

Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I am sure you are everybit the daughter he wants. Like goblinbox said, sometimes we men, especially Dads, suck at the communicating thing. He looks so happy in that picture, maybe he just is having a hard time with you becoming a wife and mother, maybe he still wants you to be daughter and he doesn't realize, you always will be. It's just as you become wife and mother he gets to become father-in-law and grandpa.

And anything free for the baby is awesome!!!

shenry said...

What?! Men we communications sucky sucky at. Me man talk good. Mans talk.

Look, the picture was taken on your wedding day. How distracted were you? Very. Also, had the picture been taken one second earlier --maybe-- you would've been looking loving eyes with your dad. Instead, the picture was taken at the exact moment when you noticed Tomek making farting noises with his armpit.

Anonymous said...

im with matherly. when i looked at this pic beofre i read your post, i dint think he looked dissapointed at all. i thought he was doting on you. and maybe you were just looking at tomek making farting noises with his arm pit. thats always a crowd pleaser.

Krista said...

goblinbox: I think you are spot on, much as I don't want to call my dad "shitty"... he's always been very reserved and quiet, and I suppose I just continually misinterpret him.

matherly & ghost: good point--there were a lot of changes suddenly, with me becoming a wife and soon to be a mother all at once.

shenry: you rock. thanks for the laugh. maybe I was looking off at tomek, but probably as the Polish boys toasted him yet again and he downed his 7th shooter...

goblinbox said...

I think the real point is: screw the guy in the photo, THAT CHICK IS TOTALLY HOT!!!
