Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Sleep is a thing of the past.

If I slouch at all, my boobs touch my belly, and I don't like that feeling AT ALL. *Sniff*

Last night as I lay in bed I saw the crib pieces leaning against the wall and promptly burst into tears.

I'm tired of saying "I don't know" when Tomek asks me what's wrong or what's going on, but I really DON'T know.

Right before I woke up this morning, I dreamed that I told Tomek I loved him and he didn't reply. I asked him if he loved me, and he still didn't reply, which I took to be a "no". Then I woke up and saw him and thought it was real.

I'm tired.


shenry said...

It's like all the ravers say: You can sleep all you want when you're dead.

Or it's like the monks say: This too shall pass.

Or it's like Newt says: The mostly come out at night... mostly.

Mella said...

Ugh! I'd forgotten about the icky feeling of slounching while pregnant - boobs on stomach. Something else to look forward to in a few months...

I'm tired too...I hope we both get some rest.

Anonymous said...

I remember when Kellie was like that, and I never could figure out why she was crying and she couldn't either. Eventually Tomek will give up wondering WHY and either avoid making you further upset, or try to intervene and cheer you up. Either way your coming down the home stretch. About a month before Jay was born Kellie was nesting real bad. All she wanted to do was get his room ready. And everyday she was moving stuff around and chaning stuff up. Have you gotten that yet?

Anonymous said...

heres the deal. theres a book that tells you everything, and i meanEVERYTHING you could possibly have questions about in a pregnancy. you should get it. tomek will benefit from understanding what youre dealing with emotionally and physically and you will find some answers as to whats going on with you also. and, when he asks, tell him you dont know, but you feel like...whatever. you know. spell it out for him. were men, we dont generally read between the lines. youre gonna be alright. this is a trying time for both of you.

Krista said...

shenry: It'll all pass too quickly, even though now it seems like an eternity. I'm sure in a couple of years Tomek and I will look back at all this and laugh, or groan.

mella: hi! :) I think I've found a good sleeping position in the last couple of nights. I lie on my side like I'm supposed to, but I lean slightly back so my weight is resting on Tomek (it could work with a firm body pillow as well I suppose... he might get tired of me leaning on him all the time). When I wake up in the morning, I find I've slept almost completely through the night (just 1 or 2 pee breaks) AND my back, neck, and other assorted parts that used to always be sore when I woke up, feel fine! Oh... and it also helps to get a back & leg and whatever else is restless massage right before bed. That's how I've dealt with the physical discomfort anyway. As for all the emotional stuff... that's another story altogether, isn't it?

matherly: yep, I can feel myself wanting to get everything prepared and be all organized about it. But it's tough because we could be moving right before the baby is born, so there's not really much I can do where we are now.

ghost: I have 2 books: what to expect when you're expecting, and what to expect the first year. They are both great. I had started reading them before I fell asleep at night but fell out of the habit. I should definitely start that up again. And we are going to take a prenatal class at the beginning of June which should explain a lot to us.

moi said...

big hugs, phx.

I have no bebe advice to offer, just a big hug.


Krista said...

Thanks moi. Hugs are always wonderful.