Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, May 04, 2006

39 articles of me

Got this from Villains Vanquished

The 39 Articles of Phx:

1. Were you named after anyone?

2. Do you wish on stars?
Yup. I even have a glow in the dark one above our bed that I wish on sometimes.

3. Do you like your hand writing?

4. What is your favorite meat?
lol *pulling my mind out of the gutter*

5. What is the most embarrassing CD on your shelf?
Enrique Iglesias

6. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?

7. Are you a daredevil?

8. When was the last time you cried?
Last weekend, when Tomek and I weren’t speaking to each other.

9. Did you ever tell a secret you weren't supposed to?
Hm… I don’t know. I do my best not to.

10. How do you release anger?
I cry, or throw something, like cheese, down the hall.

11. Where is your second home?

My parents’ house.

12. Do you trust others easily?

13. What class in college do you think is totally useless?
That I took/dropped? Anthropology.

14. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?

15. What do you look for in a guy?

16. Would you do a bungee jump?

17. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Lemon Sorbet (non dairy please)

18. What is your least favorite thing?
Bodily pain and incompetence.

19. How many people do you have a crush on right now?

20. What do you miss most right now?
My mom.

21. What are you listening to right now?
The whir of printer and computers and coworkers who NEVER SHUT UP.

22. What is the weather like right now?
Sunny and warm… sigh.

23. Last person you talked to on the phone?

24. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Eyes and smile.

25.Favorite drink non-alcoholic?

26.Favorite alcoholic drink?

27. Haircolor?

28. Eyecolor?

29. Wear contacts?

30. Last movie you watched?
Part of a Stephen Hawking film… it put me to sleep.

31. Favorite day of the year?
Christmas. (Because I know I’ll be with my family.)

32. How many people have a crush on you right now?
I have no idea. Lingering crushes… maybe… 3.

33. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. Definitely.

34. Summer or winter?

35. What book/magazine are you reading at the moment?
Sniff. None. I just finished the second Eragon book though.

36. What's on your mouse pad?
At work: a picture of a bottle of wine.
At home: I use a trackball.

37. What did you watch on TV last night?
Nothing. The crib is in front of the TV now.

37.Favorite Smell?
Mmmm…. Tomek.

38. Do you regret ever breaking up with someone?

39.Favorite actor/actress?
Julia Roberts, Julia Stiles, Christopher Walken, Harrison Ford.


Anonymous said...

actors actresses: really? interesting. kate beckingsale/ john cusack for me.

Mindy said...

Can I steal this?

Krista said...

ghost: yup.. I like john cusack too though. Seems weird that i'd write christopher walken when I can't stand scary movies (he mostly plays bad guys right?). But that pick is just going off how he played his character in "Pool Hall Junkies". Awesome.

Mindy: it's not stealing, and you already did! :)

moi said...

am totally with you on the gingerale. I completely crave the stuff.


shenry said...

Um, what about #26?

goblinbox said...

Cheese? You throw cheese?!

Krista said...

mmm gingerale...

#26: haven't had a drink in so long I forgot what my favourite is, or was when I stopped. Rum & coke.

I have thrown cheese, yes. Just a block of it, down the hall. It was in a bag though. In my defense, it's safer than driving very very fast, which is what I used to do.