Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Template changes

I apologize in advance for any bleeding eyes. This is a work in progress. I originally just wanted to reverse the blue and orange, then decided I'd had enough of the orange... I think the red and blue together is too much though. Red might move to the title, body and sidebar box background.

Either way, Phx is itching for change. Now watch, tonight I'm going to make Tomek rearrange all our furniture. Hehe...  hmm...


goblinbox said...

Ouch! Turn that off! Jeez! *giggle*

Anonymous said...

ahh, phx. this is downright texan. red white and blue.

shenry said...

I love it when blood spurts from my eyes. Seriously. Tweak these colors, but don't screw with them too much... I dig.

Krista said...

goblinbox: hang in there! I'm a novice!

ghost: yeah, I was thinking it looked a little american... see what an influence you are?!?!

shen: tweakage in progress... thanks for the vote of confidence. sorry 'bout the bleeding eyes. :P