Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, April 28, 2006

I think I just grew up

I just received my first-ever bonus!!

Ponder what to do with the money, my thoughts turn to Well, this would be a good start for getting Tomek a new vehicle or, combined with some of my savings I could pay off my line of credit... or we could keep it aside for baby needs.

Shouldn't I be dreaming of a shopping spree, or a romantic weekend getaway with Tomek? Dammit. I'm more excited at the prospect of paying for necessary stuff than going out and having a good time.



goblinbox said...

Sux, don't it? *sigh*

shenry said...

you gotta splurge just a little... you know, Springsteen has a new cd out... if you're looking for something.

Anonymous said...

Yep, pretty soon, you'll be out shopping and only buying stuff for the baby, and be excited about it. We go out to the mall and we spend 50 bucks and it's all on Jay. I know exactly how you feel.

Mindy said...

It happens girl! The Pear and I are excited to be the proud owners of a new WeedEater that we bought yesterday.