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Monday, April 10, 2006

The highlight of my day--free boobies

I just took off my suddenly very-tight-to-the-point-of-"hey-it's-hard-to-breathe" bra without even leaving my chair.

And no one noticed.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

::cleans up coke that spewed from left nostril::

you got me. very nice, phx. very nice.

moi said...

ahhh, the mystique of the female bra removal. flutters her hand at fairy dust swirling in the air...

shenry said...

Free! Be free! You know, it's like they say, "If you love something then set it free." You must love your boobies. I know I love all boobies everywhere. If it were up to me I'd set all the boobies free.