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Thursday, April 06, 2006


Yup. Down again. Some days this job is tolerable, others I don’t know how I am going to get through a single day. Like today.

57 working days left till I blow the hell outta here on maternity leave. I suppose I could stay 2 more weeks than that… since that’ll be 1 month before my due date. I worry about myself being home alone every day for that long. I’ll have to find lots to do to keep me busy. There’s no way I’m going to be lethargic and inactive. I’ve heard that the more active one stays, especially later in the pregnancy, the easier it is on the body. But to motivate myself to be active when I am huge and hot might be another story.

Hm… well Tomek and I did have a wonderful evening yesterday—what a difference a little sunshine can make! Coming home to the sun still up, instead of driving home in the dark and rain is so uplifting. I got home a little after him and we made some dinner, then popped down to the park and played badminton. Good fun! Then we walked to the mall and my bank, and under all the cherry blossom trees we could find. Mmmmm.

Jeez, now that I think about it, more than just THIS work situation will be changing in the next year. I mean, I currently have this job and 2 part-time jobs. They may not take up much time, but they are both fair responsibilities. But one, my sales rep job, will be ceasing in May/June when my dad gets someone else to take over for me. Tutoring will be done in early/mid June depending on when school gets out. There’s a slight possibility it could go through the summer, except for the few months after I LB is born, of course. But we’ll see what happens come September. It’s really not much of a source of income for me, and I feel so disillusioned about education in general now anyway…

And I know that with the arrival of LB, the centre of my life is going to shift from me (and Tomek) to LB. Who just kicked. Ha. And again. What the heck? S/he must know when I’m thinking about him/her I suppose. Maybe I should focus on spending that last month doing everything I want to do… but I’ve never been like that. Since living with Tomek, I’ve had no trouble putting what needs to be done in front of what I want to do. Unless what I want to do is sleep.

What’s it going to be like… being at home so much without Tomek being there? I hope I’ll be too busy to miss him, because missing him hurts like a sonofabitch. We’ve been inseperable since we met, pretty much. And I hope that never changes. I love being able to spend so much of my time with someone else so easily.

In my eyes, he’s the wonder that will never cease.

Kocham cie kochanie…
I love you, my love


moi said...

you sound just like me in that regard phx... you feel actual pain when you're apart from your loved one. how even though you see him every day, you still miss himlike a *&@&%!! when he's not there. you get excited when he's going to be coming home, to hear his key turning in the door.

and that's what it's all about.

Mindy said...

"In my eyes, he's the wonder that will never cease."

That is awesome.

I feel that way about the Pear. I never thought I would miss someone if they were only gone for a night but I miss him terribly if we go our seperate ways for a night. Like you guys though, we don't go our seperate ways very often.