Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Dear Little Bean

What are you like?

I'd like to know… not just what you look like, but who are you? I'm sure you are a who by now, alive, but so much more than just breathing, digesting, moving, kicking, sleeping.

What do you think about? Do you remember, or do you just wonder? I know you can hear me when I talk—the echoes of my voice must swirl around you in your little oasis. You can probably differentiate between my moods, too—sad voice, happy voice, laughter, and some gut-wrenching tears.

Do you hear your daddy giving you kisses, telling you he loves you? You should see how he loves to watch you kick. When I lie down on the bed, he'll sit on the floor beside me with an excited smile on his face and just watch. Each time you kick, he smiles, exclaims or laughs, marveling at the power you already show, I suppose.

 Last night I could feel where you were in me. I hope you are growing strong, and I'm giving you everything you need in there.

Your daddy said to me this weekend, "How can I ever repay you for carrying our child inside you?"

He doesn't need to repay me—I am thankful you have chosen to grow inside of me, that I am healthy enough to carry you.

I hope I will be a good mother to you—patient, kind, a source of comfort, a source of fun. I hope I can give you every opportunity to discover the person you are, the person you want to be... and I hope you know you already have the power to make your dreams come true.


Mindy said...

You made me cry before 9 am!!! But it's a good cry :)

shenry said...

This post is proof that you will be a wonderful mother.

goblinbox said...

Aw, amazing. Beautiful. Cute. Sweet. So exciting, those little beans!

moi said...

a beautiful post from a beautiful girl.

thank you for sharing your thoughts, phx.

Anonymous said...

this thing ate my comments three times. and this is the one that gets through? nice.

Anonymous said...

found in my email box this morning from ghost:

hey, chica. for some reason, i couldnt comment on your site today. just wanted you to know, i think you're going to be the bomb as a mom. there's a certain youthfulness about you and a wonder in your words. that coupled with tom's obvious sense of kidness, well. i think thatll be a great environment for a kid. i wont lie. sometimes its the hardest thing on earth, but most of the time its the best thing youll ever know. and..remeber, some of us have been here before so you can ask anytime, or vent or whatever.

tmfrt said...


Starling said...

you're gonna make me cry! that was so beautiful.. I wish I had a mom like that, I hope I can be a mom who thinks the thoughts you wrote.

Anonymous said...

where is everyone?

Anonymous said...

are you okay, dear?

we're missing you!

Krista said...

I think all of your comments moved me more than my post might have moved you!

You guys are all awesome.

And I am still here... just slowly resurfacing after a 4-day long weekend.