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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Can you see a mistake, or is it just me?

Super-spiffy Hotel and Super Smokey Company

Wine and Cheese

I just finished folding and cutting a bunch of promo pieces for the above event. That text appears front and centre on the cover... and it bugs me.


shenry said...

Er, I'm not sure, but if it were me I wouldn't hyphenate Super-spiffy... or I would hyphenate Super Smokey... oh! Smokey isn't a word; it's Smoky. Right? While I'm critiquing, I'd also capatilize "presents" and "spiffy"... but that's just me.

shenry said...

do I get a prize if I'm right?

goblinbox said...

I think it's technically okay, but still... weird.

Krista said...

Whoops, I guess the "mistake" I saw got lost in my rewording of the actual promo... I changed the name of the hotel (a local one) and the company (I work for). But shen I think you are right about me not being consistent with the hyphens... typical that I'd add more mistakes while trying to point out ONE. Grr.

Anywho, what my beef was with was the "presents". I thought that if there are two presenters, then "presents" should switch to the plural form: "present".

Just my teensy weensy beef for the day