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Friday, March 10, 2006

thwarting the third shit

So far I've had 5 almost-paper cuts, but no real ones. And taking, Mush's advice, I've paid close attention to where my toes are going. So far so good. I found out that my package to my mom was insured, so I'm going to get my money back from the post office and get her another one (fingers crossed). Plus, I'm going to go talk to the pres directly about getting that day off. He wants office workers days off restricted to July and August, but I won't be here because I'll be on mat leave (hoorah). I'm just going to go in there once these two reports I'm doing for him are done, then I'll tell him they are done, and broach the subject of a day off.

Fuck being in a bad mood on friday. When life throws you shit, chuck it right back.


moi said...

shitty to hear that your day was so crappy (sorry couldn't resist).

may I suggest a pint of icecream and a good book whilst stretching out in the bath?? oh, and don't forget the bubbles.

hope your night goes better than your day, phx!!

goblinbox said...
