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Friday, March 10, 2006

shit shit shit

It's friday, so that's one good thing, at least.

I talked to my mom this morning, first time in a while, and I found out that the glass funky boobie woman I sent her got broken on the way down. Shit. It broke right at the boobs of course, the cutest, funniest part of the whole little woman. So tonight I'm going to go back to the store and see if they have anymore. They only had 3 when I was there a couple of weeks ago, and I already took the one that was the best colour. But I need to get her another one, and this time I'm going to take it with me when I go to visit them in two weeks.

That leads me to the second shit. I went to ask for Friday the 24th off, so I could drive down to Oregon during the day, instead of after work like I usually do, and then spend the weekend there. I want to do that so a) I'm not driving exhausted and b) so I have more time to spend with them. But it looks like the pres won't go for it. He doesn't want administrative staff taking time off during months other than July and August. Shit.

And shit always happens in threes right? Well at least now I have my first two for the day out of the way. Sigh.

1 comment:

goblinbox said...

There ought to be a law that says a person can get a fucking day off without grief when she wants it.

Just sayin'.

Watch your toes. You realize the third is going to be a wicked stubbed toe or something?