Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, March 23, 2006


So there's this woman in my office who burps. A LOT. And farts. And blows her nose and sticks her fingers up her nose to finish cleaning while talking to people face to face.

A couple of months ago she was leaning over the back of my chair (and I may have blogged about this) and she blew out this stinky coffee chip burp that seared the side of my face as it went by. YUCK. And the stench of it lingered.

Last week, she did it again to me—leaned over the back of my chair watching while I searched for a file she was sure was there. She didn't even say excuse me. I should have stood up and left, instead I just kind of gasped for air for a bit and then held my breath, waiting for her to leave.

She went back to her desk to find the file, and while she was gone, I could feel a little something of my own building up. So I began my hasty exit to the bathroom… but then stopped.

Payback time.

I wandered carefully into her office, my little surprise building… stood next to her desk and asked if she had found it yet. She hadn't.

I watched her search for a few moments as my silent revenge slipped out, hovered a few more minutes to make sure it wasn't a dud, then retreated, victorious.


Anonymous said...

That is the best thing I've heard in a while!! Revenge is a dish best served stinky!!!

moi said...

gah, what kind of people do you work with? is she on loan from the zoo??

Anonymous said...

biological warfare....nice.

shenry said...

I love it. I laugh. You are a riot. Retaliation is wonderful.

bedshaped said...

A 'silent but violent' huh?
Shame on you phx!

Krista said...

matherly-hear hear!

moi-I think you might be onto something there... I'll have to call the zoo and find out.

ghost-hehe THAT's what it is. exactly.

shenry- :)

bedshaped-you know, I actually felt embarrassed writing this post--and here we call it an "SBD" silent but deadly.