Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, March 27, 2006

Sometimes, the words just won't come. But then, I can't seem to come either. Maybe there's a connection here somewhere.

Let's see... the weekend was great, went by too fast. I missed my mom before I even left. We found wonderful deals on maternity clothes--I now have all the clothes I think I'll need, other than maybe a few more items when June rolls around and I am huge and HOT. I got 8 shirts, pair of pants and a skirt for under $100. That means I've gotten all my mat clothes for around $200. Sweet. There is a consignment store in the town my parents live in, and because people in that area are... well, large, all the clearance stuff was MY size. Hehe. Gotta love it. 4 or 5 of the shirts I got were under $8. One was $4, one was $5... etc. Good stuff. And some brand new pants still with tags on, reg. $34 I got them for $14.

And Tomek got a sweet deal on new-used tires for his car, which we will be selling ASAP. $200 for 4 tires. I'm SO glad he and I are almost anti-materialistic. We want what we need to get by, nice quality is preferable, but we hunt out the good deals... or make do with what we have. Hell, I'm still wearing clothes I wore in high school. They fit, they look nice, they don't include leg warmers. So what if they are 7 years old.

I signed up for a beginning Polish class that starts in the beginning of April. That'll run me through to the middle of June... for $85! And I intend to sign up for some preggo exercise/breathing classes as well.

Every day that I go to work convinces me even more that I am not going back there after my mat leave. It's just not worth it. Who cares about good benefits when the smoke will give me cancer? It's kind of ridiculous really.

Hungry again.


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