Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

More wedding pics--including 1 racy one!

Our sexy stylin' BMW limo loaded up with presents. Sweet. At the beginning of the reception, Tomek's mom and dad offered us bread, salt and vodka--a symbolic blessing of sorts that's supposed to happen before we enter our home as man and wife, but we improvised. My shooter was water. Tomek's mom had switched them as we stood in front of her so that the water was in front of me, but then when it came time to drink, Tomek went to switch them... so we had to do a sneaky sniff-test before shooting them and then chucking them out the door onto the pavement. (Good view of the lace-up back I had put in my dress to make room for baby... and my hair--yes, it's all my own. People were asking about that!)
Tom's broke right away, as seen here. Mine on the other hand, bounced off a mat, and then hit the pavement and broke as an afterthought. Whew. Here's where the racy picture comes in--Tomek removing my garter using nothing but his teeth. His dad said to my mom while this was going on, "that is not my son!" Must've been weird for them. The day after they meet, their kids get married, and one is sticking his head up the other's dress.

And towards the end of the night... the bride showing a bit of attitude towards yet another camera.

And even later, enjoying some borscht (beet soup) and croquettes... a not-quite-sober-hubby.


Starling said...

lol, i love that last picture!

shenry said...

Salt and vodka is a blessing? Hell, I'm going to get totally "blessed" Friday night.

moi said...

phx, i love the car photo!! red is so very festive :)

shenry, in my culture we just use the vodka to get blessed. much less salty.

Mindy said...

Your hair does look great! I had no idea it was so long. Those pics are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

my dad met amy's folks at the wedding. i wonder how awkward that was for them.