Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, February 24, 2006

This is what the snooze button was made for

We face each other in the dim morning light, smiling, sleepy-eyed.
Our bodies curl into each other, skin on skin, warmth flowing to and from
and back again.
A dove-flutter of hands under the sheets and
Love is tangible before the day begins.


x said...

i just saw the pictures you posted. you both look beautiful. i wish you are always happy and in love. so beautiful!!

Starling said...

i wish i could have that Every morning. :) what a wonderful feeling.

Mindy said...

Bliss, isn't it???

moi said...

snooze... what a perfect way to start the day!!

shenry said...

that is adorable.