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Thursday, February 09, 2006

Just a guy, but so much more

I love looking at old pictures of Tomek. I've only been in his life for 2 short years, and he's lived so much already. So many changes, so many adventures. So much hair. Through it all, though, something shines through. That sweet but mischevious not-so-innocent innocence he has about him has always been there... and I've always loved it. Not many I meet seem as real, as alive as he is.

And no man has brought me as much happiness, as much joy, or brought me such a feeling of thankfulness in just being with someone else, as he has.

I'm surprised at how many of his friends see it, really. One does... the best man at our wedding can see that deep inside him. Tomek really is brilliant. And Shaine mentioned it at the reception--on the outside one might see some slightly scruffy pierced Pollack who likes his vodka and laughs a lot. And he is all that (especially when he hasn't shaved in a while). But he's also so much him that sometimes I feel two-dimensional in comparison. His life has been full of adventures, his mind is filled with curiosity and interest about anything and everything. He's so alive. And so completely wonderful.

So to all his single guy friends out there who didn't believe he could get a girl like me, I wish you'd see it the other way... see how lucky I am that he fell in love with me, slipped this ring on my finger, and made that vow to be true to us. Because I am the lucky one. I am the one who is not used to being thankful, yet who is thankful every single day that he is with me, that he sleeps beside me each night, that I am his love, and no other.


Anonymous said...

wedding pics?

Krista said...

one track mind eh? This weekend I'll be getting some. Then I will post those, write about the wedding and complete some angel work. Sweet.