Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, February 10, 2006


About time this made the news. Yeesh. Its still not the best solution, but with widespread warnings, I hope this will be the swift kick in the rear that parents need to realize that they need to find the source of their kids' "behaviour disorders" and quit resorting to quick-fix drugs.

A Food and Drug Administration advisory panel Thursday urged that the strongest possible safety warning be issued for drugs used by millions of children and adults to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, because of emerging concern that they may increase the risks of heart attacks, strokes and sudden death.

The FDA had called the drug safety experts together to help design further research into such risks. But in an unexpected twist, the committee concluded that the evidence of serious risks was so great that a strong new warning — not just more research — was needed.

"This is out-of-control use of drugs that have profound cardiovascular consequences," said Dr. Steven Nissen, a cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic and member of the panel. "We have got a potential public health crisis. I think patients and families need to be made aware of these concerns."

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