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Monday, February 13, 2006

In pictures: the day before, and getting ready

Finally, some pictures. Here we have the chapel on the outside: And on the inside (tiny, but so beautiful... with a bell)
Ye old signing table
First run through. From left to right: Marilyn (the reveren), Tomek and Shaine the best man

Lots of laughs at this rehearsal , and throughout the actual ceremony, too. From left to right: Jules (videographer), Marilyn, Tomek, my mom.Well, if I pass off my bouquet this way, no one will see my face, see?

Huh?The wedding party recieves instructions at the signing table: Shaine, Wendy, Tomek, meOur first walk down the aisle. Still laughing.
The decorating of the reception hall. It needed a lot of work, but we turned it into a fairyland.

Ooh!! February 4th! Phx's hair is done!
Ahh, the veil. Didn't feel like a bride till she put that on me.


Anonymous said...

The chapel looked really cool. I love a nice, not overdone, wedding. And I think the rehearsal is almost the best part of a wedding. Everyone is cutting loose. The soon to be newly-weds are just so glad the day has come, that they are calming down, and the groomsmen are just so happy it's not them getting married that they are cutting loose too. Can't wait for pics form the ceremony!

tmfrt said...

Aww you look so happy, all of you... usually the day before/getting ready is all stressful and shit... I hope if I ever get married, it's that calm.

Then again, maybe it just shows calm in the pictures and you were a nervous wreck, but please don't ruin my hope that it's possible lol...

Congrats, again. =)

Anonymous said...

::smiling:: it looks so cozy and comfortable.

moi said...

yayyyy! the pics are great! keep them coming!!!

I love that you guys had so much fun during everything, big smiles all around.

Anonymous said...

Looks beautiful so far, Phx. I can't wait to see the dress and Tom in his tux! I love weddings!

and I was just kidding around about the pictures, of course. Patience is a virtue!

shenry said...

You guys look like your having fun. I hope the wedding itself was as kickass as the pre-wedding stuff.

Mindy said...

That chapel is adorable. You're still so tiny!

Anxiously awaiting more pics...