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Monday, February 13, 2006

It must be Monday

Phx, excitedly: "I bought my first pair of maternity pants this weekend. Check it out!" Shows the low rise waist band that stretches while looking like normal corduroy.

Coworker: "Sucks to be you".

* * *

My bro, my photographer, is refusing to send me any pics from the wedding till he sorts through and finds the best ones and then tweaks them till they are a professional product. I'm letting him go with it, I think it's great practice for him since he wants to be a photographer, but dang, I'm getting tired of waiting.

I do have photos from the rehearsal, with some great shots of the chapel. I'll try to get those up tonight if Blogger is back to normal.


Anonymous said...


and that's me being all nice.

moi said...

more like, sucks to be coworker.

quelle bad attitude for a monday!

Krista said...

I heartily concur. I'm so SICK of fake people.

supertomek said...

was that t-bone steak? geez - i think i would have like to respond to that with something like "u know, i'm REALLY gonna enjoy whacking you across the beack of the head with a 2x4 one day soon". maybe "stupid fat head" would have been better. but thats a bit overt... maybe just a "aww... ran out of lard for breakfast again??? here, i'll pop some zits, that should tide u over for a while"
hehe - that one brought a smile to my face. and maybe thats the way to do things - bring smiles to the world! :D

Krista said...

hehe. ew. gross!! actually it wasn't her. It was the blonde. Go figure. But I'm sure those comebacks will come in handy for future use. :*