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Monday, January 23, 2006

A truth, or six

The only reason I work at this job is because it gives me a steady pay cheque.

If I wasn't pregnant, I'd be out of here and looking for another job so fast they wouldn't know what hit them.

I'm worried about what will happen to our finances when I'm off on maternity leave.

I asked my boss if I could leave 45 minutes early today because of a crisis at one of my map accounts (different job). He said okay, but told me that "Maps is not, NOT, NOT a good reason for leaving early." Turns out, if I'd lied and said I was going to the doctor I would have been better off. Phuq you. I chose to be honest. You could have said no. I would have sorted out the crisis one way or another, but leaving 45 minutes early (after having started work early) might give me the bit of extra time I need to make sure that everything is resolved tonight.

Asked to me at the bridal store: "Two weeks till your wedding, eh? How are you doing?" Me: "Oh.. pretty busy." Different lady behind the counter: "Busy?! Try standing behind this counter!" Me (thinking): "Are you nuts? You actually think that you, in your cushy little bridal store job, ripping off glowing girls on daily basis, are busier than me who is planning a wedding?"

I'm feeling quite bitter today.



shenry said...

Bosses are so weird sometimes. The last you-gotta-be-shitting-me boss moment of mine came two weeks ago. On Thursday I left a little early (like 30-minutes) so that I could hit they gym before picking Elsie up from school. The boss gives me all kinds of shit about it. But Friday, a couple coworkers had a couple drinks for lunch and didn't come back to work afterwards... They got no tongue lashing; instead, they were praised by bossman. What? I get chewed for going to the gym and picking up my daughter, but they get praised for getting lit at lunch. I don't get it.

Mindy said...

We all have days like that...hang in there!

Is it really only 2 weeks??

Anonymous said...

bosses. cant live withem. cant cook em in a wok.

Krista said...

shenry: That's messed up. Maybe they bought him a couple drinks too...

mindy: 2.5 hours to go. Yes, two weeks. Well, 12 days. yikes.

ghost: well we could if we made a guiness-world-record sized wok!