Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Phoe is THE BEST!

Phx says:
he's been considering moving to AB and i'm starting to think it would be good.
Phoe says:
AB is WONDERFUL, but you already know I think that.
Phx says:
yeah AB is starting to appeal to me more and more
Phoe says:
Where was Tom thinking of going in AB>
Phx says:
and you have had a positivie influence on me in that area definitely!
Phx says:
edmonton cuz his bro lives there, but i'm not sure i want to go where it is that far north and flat... that's far from Oregon )(my folks).... maybe around Calgary... not sure i've never been there
Phoe says:
Okay - Here's the beef.
Phoe says:
Edmonton is good - But live in the south end - North and central tend to be scuzzy.
Phoe says:
Do not move anywhere north of Edmonton because coming from Vancouver you'll freaking hate it because it's cold and dark and sort of dead, if that makes sense.
Phx says:
yes definitely makes sense
Phoe says:
Calgary is AMAZING, but again, move to the South end - it's by far the nicest area. . .
Phoe says:
The whole city is much cleaner and much more new than Edmonton. . . And it's only about a 2.5 hour drive to Edmonton to go and see brother in law.
Phoe says:
Housing is more expensive in Calgary, though.
Phoe says:
Both areas are quite populous.
Phoe says:
Red Deer is a great little city, between Ed, and Cal.
Phoe says:
Cheaper houses but still a great working market - Tom won't have a hard time finding work there at all. .
Phoe says:
And I think it would be a nice environment to raise kids in. Lots to do, but not as many big city worries.
Phoe says:
Those are the 3 main ones.
Phx says:
that's what tom wants--away from the big city.
Phx says:
thanks phoe. i'm going to pass all that on to tom. he's going to get all excited.
Phoe says:
Phoe says:
Phoe says:
OR, if you like Calgary but don't want to live in the big city end of things, you can live in Okotoks, which is only .5 hour drive south of calgary, and it's totally got that small town feel to it.
Phx says:
i'm getting excited too. it sounds beautiful
Phx says:

Phoe says:
But is really convenient for working in calgary,.
Phx says:
okotoks. love it.
Phoe says:
Okay, I need to stop talking now.
Phoe says:
(It is native for "Big rock"
Phoe says:
there IS a big rock)
Phx says:

Phoe says:
Can you tell I am passionate about this whole Alberta thing?! Yeesh - I don't shut up
Phx says:
yeah i dont know that i'd want to live that close to his bro... calgary or okotoks sounds nice, or red deer... gosh, now i'm getting all excited.
Phoe says:

Phx says:
i think it's great to be passionate about your home area!
Phoe says:
Edmonton just does feel as alive as the other cities
Phx says:
Phoe says:
haha. . I grew up in BC
Phx says:
Phoe says:
yes, doesn't.
Phx says:
i always thought you were from there.
Phx says:
Phx says:
passionate indeed! had me fooled
Phoe says:
It's because I'm Alberta crazy!
Phoe says:
(It's the blue sky - It has me suckered in)
Phx says:
maybe i'll make it my home. Toronto definitely isn't my home anymore. i dont have anywhere i really feel home.
Phx says:
maybe AB will be it for me.
Phoe says:
Could be.
Phx says:
+.... 1 sales tax... yesssss
Phoe says:
It's more personable than down here.
Phoe says:
No kidding!
Phoe says:
The thing I found with Calgary, other than being clean and new, is that it's ALWAYS sunny there.
Phx says:
Phx says:
i'm so going there!!!!
Phoe says:
You get freak snow storms in May, but it's sunny.
Phoe says:
ANd the chinooks make the winters more tolerable.
Phoe says:
We didn't have snow the Christmas I was there.
Phoe says:
Everything was warm and melted, kind of like down here, but sunny.
Phoe says:
And you can buy a house there for what we paid for our SMALL townhouse.
Phoe says:
a house with a real yard! and brand new!
Phoe says:
My friend Dave got a house for about 200K.
Phx says:
i'm going to burst
Phoe says:
He's an electrician, and there he made over 90K in one year!
Phx says:
you are making me so excited i want to research it ALL now.
Phx says:
holy cow!
Phx says:
that's the field tom is in
Phoe says:
if you like looking at houses, go to
Phoe says:
There ya go.
Phx says:
your the best!
Phoe says:
I could give you Dave's number if you want Tom to call him.
Phx says:
thanks for getting me all fired up!
Phoe says:
Dave worked A LOT of overtime for that money, but still. . .
Phoe says:
Not a problem.
Phoe says:
I am fired up, too.


Anonymous said...

two weeks? how are those nerves?

Krista said...

nerves--starting to get fried. But I'm still smiling. Sorta.