Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

That kind of stuff

Last weeekend:
-very busy helping Tom with the wedding stuff
-very busy consuming vast quantities of popcorn in my pjs

- being a good teetotaler preggo (Peach-apple sparkling non-alc stuff... testing for wedding reception)
-Tom reminds me why I love him so much

Nobody makes me laugh so much, 'cept my mom.


Anonymous said...

have you started getting a baby bump yet?

there is nothing better to me than a pregnant woman's belly.

Krista said...

I think so. I can't tell if it's just a lot of flab, or if I really am getting a bump. But I'm going to say it's a little preggo bump.

Anonymous said...

wish that was my excuse.

shenry said...

That's so freaking cute.

moi said...

verdict on the peachy-stuff?