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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Knotty thought that woulda kept me up all night

In this time of open-mindedness, I'm slowly realizing that, while the term open-minded is something that everyone should be, and narrow-minded people are akin to bigots, those with strong beliefs and passions are being lumped in with the narrow-minded folk (when their beliefs and passions don't conform to those that are mainstream). And, there are open-minded folk out there, and regular folk who I don't know well enough to say whether they are open-minded or not (like at my work) who I know aren't really interested in what I have to say unless it somehow coincides with their believes or their life, or something they can relate to, agree with, expound upon. It's kind of silly really. I feel like the more widespread the concept of open-mindedness, the less free I feel to voice my open opinions on things in which I obviously sit in the minority chair.

Oh well. At least I believe in my own beliefs.

Pfft. And now that I've siphoned that out of my head, it's time to get me some sweet lovin'. Night y'all. (I really should learn some more Texanisms...)


Anonymous said...

"Texanisms"...what do you wanna know?

Anonymous said...

Canadian Texan........that would be the real language to learn. "Ya'll come back now ya hear, eh."

Krista said...

Hmm.. words and phrases that you Texans use, and I guess other states down that way too, that aren't heard up here.

matherly: too funny. it's not often that I laugh out loud when I read something, but your beginning to the great language (or dialect) that will be Canadian Texan had me snorting. heh.

Anonymous said...

hehe. nice one. call people partner except say it like pardna...

Krista said...

So you guys talk like cowboys? tee hee

Anonymous said...

mostly. i call it being a southern gentleman. yeah.

although ive never had anyone tell me they didnt know how to quit me.