Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Tagged by Kat

Four jobs you've had in your life:
- warehouse grunt
- tutor
- marketing assistant
- cutlery salesperson

Four movies you could watch over and over:
- Dirty Dancing
- Amelie
- Flashdance
- Save the Last Dance

Four places you've lived:
- Toronto
- Oregon
- Vancouver
- UK

Four TV shows you love to watch:
- don’t watch tv

Four places you've been on vacation:
- Spain
- Portugal
- UK
- Ala-flippin’-bama

Four websites you visit daily:

Four of your favorite foods:
- whatever stays down
- popsicles
- popcorn
- salad

Four places you'd rather be:
- in bed. hehe
-in Tom’s arms
- at home
- on a tropical beach

Four albums you can't live without:
- Bruce Springsteen, Greatest Hits
- Tom Petty, Full Moon Fever
-Dashboard Confessional, The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most
-Flashdance sountrack

Four magazines you read:
- none

Four cars you've owned:
-’89 Jetta
-'02 Jetta

Four scars you have:
- above left eye, from coffee table
- middle finger left hand, from throwing glass
- left hand, from dog bite
- forehead, from chicken pox

Four fears:
- death
- abandonment
- failure
- spiders

Four lies:
- I’m American
- I’m a couch potato
-I love drinking pop
-I’m wish I were dead

Four reasons to get up in the morning:
- Money
- Money
- Coming home to Tom
- to get to bed again in the evening

Four things you're looking forward to:
- wedding
- baby
- seeing Tom tonight
- end of the war

Four people you'd like to meet:
-Ayn Rand

Four people to do this meme:
Phoe, Raven, Mindy, Moi

Post your Meme, and add another set of four things for yourself, and someone else to complete!


Anonymous said...

you never can tell where this crazy life is gonna lead you. we might cross paths one day.

shenry said...

I'm flattered that I'm somebody you'd like to meet... and I'm super flattered because I beat out Lucy Lawless for a spot on your list. I mean, if I were you I'd choose Lucy over me.

And I know you didn't tag me... but were I to write such a list, you'd be on my list of people to meet. I'd choose you over Lucy Lawless any day.

Krista said...

ghost: we just might at that. I can almost see me & Tom and baby taking a lil road trip down to to Texas and over to Colorado. :)

shenry: I didn't even know who Lucy Lawless was till I googled her. I'd choose Shen over Xena any day.

And I'm starting to think more and more that a road trip would be sweet. :) Although maybe I should brush up on my US geography first. I thought I was pretty good, but I had Colorado over by Michigan. Whoops.