Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Stolen from Kat

Take my quiz!


Anonymous said...

50. not so good.

shenry said...

Damn you, left-handed devil woman. Your quiz befuddled me. I scored 40... which is better than I did with Kat's quiz.

moi said...

40, even worse.

hmm, must-brush-up-on-phx-old-posts.

Anonymous said...

whoops. Sorry about that, Shenry.

I feel kinda bad for making such a tough quiz.

Or at least I did until Phx confuddled us all, too!

Krista said...

If nothing else, y'all (notice the Texanism smoothly inserted into text of comment) learned some obscure facts about me. :)

ghost: Not only did you score higher than SHENRY (who I think has "known" me the longest, besides Tom), you must be ranking around #3 with that score. What is it with everyone thinking I want to be a nurse?

shenshen: you got the one Tom got wrong, RIGHT. (How long i'd known him before I felt he was "the one"). That is impressive my friend. :)

moi: pretty good for the time you've "known" me! And you got "the one" question right, too!

kat: thanks for the link! much more fun than taking generic quizzes.

moi said...


would have done better had I not been downing the rum-gingerale-grapefruitjuice combo I mixed after work. honest.

and I sooooooo almost guessed you as a leftie.

give us another!!

Krista said...

moi: rum, gingerale grapefruit juice?! I want some!!!! You should make one too! There is a link at the top left of my quiz page. Have at 'er!

Starling said...

I suck!! I failed! lol
I have a horrrrible memory, sorry phx, you're awesome. No,I'm not sucking up. K, maybe a little, You're the best! :D