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Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, January 06, 2006

The ring

Tom and I had our second visit with our ring people today. I dunno about them. I walked into their jewelery warehouse and there were all these Chinese men lined up hunched over jewelery so I whispered to Tom that they probably only get paid $2 an hour and he said I'm probably right. Even though their bosses are Chinese too! Maybe I'm wrong. About the pay.

So I had thought I'd be getting a three stone setting, because all the solitaires I'd tried on before looked ugly on my ugly fucked up finger. My finger joints just keep on bending the wrong way when I straighen my fingers, so they never actually look normal. Too much b-ball. I have a nice dog bite scar on my left hand too, but that is another story.

Back to the ring. the one with a three stone setting had three diamond chips on each side also, so it was like this row of diamonds and I put it on and it is a bling-bling ring totally. Sparkles everywhere, just a band of moolah turned to rock.

But i'd seen this other setting too... and I can't find a picture of it so I'll scan a very crappy drawing of it. Ooh and its out of focus, too! Hooray. So it came down to those two settings--I had been sure that I didn't want a solitaire ring... and then one of the guys who was hovering (one of the partners that owns this jewelery warehouse) said, "Well, your friends will look at this ring (see picture) and go Niice but if they see the other one they will say Wooooww!!! Gasp Drool, etc etc." Trying to convince me to get the bling bling ring obviously.

Guy obviously doesn't know me. I'm not after the bling. I picked the setting that's in the crappy blurry drawing. It's white gold... and I'll probably get a 1/2 carat diamond on it, or smaller. I prefer sparkle over size.

I was trying to figure out why I picked that little one over the bling bling ring, and when I was there, i was saying that I thought this ring I picked suited me better, and I think it does. I have small hands, and I'm not into flashy shit. But yeah, I had the opportunity to have a ring with 3 nice-sized diamonds on it and 6 diamond chips and I passed it up.

And in all honesty it was completely without regret. I could say that I wanted to save Tom money, and I think that could be a reason because I"m glad that I picked a ring that will probably cost less than the bling bling ring. I could say that the engagement ring I almost had 4 years ago was a three-stone setting and who the hell wants to get anything that would remind me of that experience. But I think the truth is that the ring picked me. It suits me, and that's that.

Picking the wedding bands is going to be a whole other story. We had decided that we wanted matching wedding bands. But Tom likes two-toned striped rings and thick rings. I like thin, white gold rings with no two-tone. I'd maybe like something with an organic pattern on it to somewhat match my engagement ring, and there's no way he's going to go for something like that. But really all the significance of it is just driving me bonkers. Maybe he should just pick out a ring that he likes and I'll pick one out that I like.

After all, it's not the ring that matters, but the person who slips it on your finger.


Madamme said...

Rally and I have completely different rings. Mine is really wide and has some diamonds on it - White gold - We didn't do the wedding band and engagement ring thing - I just wanted one. And his is very narrow (because wide rings make his fingers look fat) and is simple, high-tech titanium - He didn't want any diamonds. He loves his ring, and I love mine. And we're both happy that each other is happy with the ring they have. We're so different, there's no way we could have got a matching set we both loved. I figure, it's your ring, your hand, and you both have to enjoy wearing your rings for the rest of your lives.

Mine right now is on a chain around my neck because my fingers are so SWOLEN I can't even get it on!

shenry said...

I hooked Silver up with a real ring that put me in debt. Nice. Shiny. Platinum. Diamonds. Sparklesparkle. My ring, on the other hand (pun!), cost $10. It's just a simple silver band that I found at a mall. Originally, my ring was going to be "temporary" until we paid off her ring... but now I've grown attached to my $10 ring and I don't want to upgrade. Wedding rings aren't rings; they're symbols.

...This would make a good blog entry over at my site. Maybe I'll expand on the story and post it later this week or next.

moi said...

the ring debate is a tricky one. I personally really like diamonds, not for their commerical value, but because they signify strength, and a part of an old tradition. I hope to have a have a rather non-traditional wedding (whenever I do), so I like the idea of keeping some sort of tradition alive.

my parents had a great idea, they both got the widest gold band possible (which looked really great on both their long/slender hands), then on their 20th anniversary (i.e. when they could afford it), my mom's ring got splattered with random diamonds of different sizes. very cool looking, and so personal.

good for you for sticking to what you wanted, not what some crap-sales guy was pushing on you.