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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

It's coloposcop--copolocsc--coposcolop--that THING time

Today my doctor called me and said they have scheduled me at the big ol' hospital for a copoloscopy--


Ah. Right. A colposcopy. I think I almost gave the receptionist a hernia asking her to repeat it to me, and then she had to spell it to me twice before I got it.

And what is it? Let the kind doctor tell you:

Apparently when I had my internal exam they found some weird cells, so now I have to go to the hospital and get them further checked out.

This will only be the 2nd time I've been in a hospital because of myself, so Tom better be able to come with me!!! It's on January 16th, so send lots of no-bad-cells vibes my way, ok?

At least I won't have to fill my bladder to bursting for this colpopsicky.


And you know what really burns me? The Q&A section on who is at risk for cervical cancer. One of the answers:

If they smoke or have ever smoked. Chemicals produced by smoking may damage cervical cells.

No I've never smoked, but I'm guessing second-hand smoke could be just as bad.

It would probably be pretty tough to find another job knowing I'd have to go on maternity leave in 7 months, wouldn't it.


tmfrt said...

I will say a prayer for you that nothing is wrong... and concurrently send some mojo vibes...

*mojo mojo mojo*

Madamme said...

It would be near impossible to find a new job now. But, if your cells are found to be as a direct result from second-hand smoke, you might have a fabulous law-suit on your hands.

And even more fabulous law-suit if you have already tried to put a stop to the smoking in your work environment.

Anonymous said...

I will definietly send the "good vibes" your way. But don't fret too much, it's not good for the pregnancy; plus my sister-in-law was diagnosed with malignant cervical cancer type cells while pregnant. She had NO problems, my niece is beautiful, and she can even have more kids when she gets ready. So even in the event they say it's not exactly great news, it will still be ok.

Mindy said...

Good vibes heading your way! Hope it all turns out okay.

moi said...

i've had a colposcopy too... not fun, but really worth finding out the results.

keep us posted.

(hugs & good cellular vibes)

Madamme said...

I'm sorry - That was a little thoughtless. . .

I hope that everything turns out okay for you. I can imagine that it would be nerve-wracking - Going in for a test like that.