Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, January 09, 2006

Grocery shopping while pregnant is awesome

I finally found time to go get groceries so I'm not buying my lunch every day. I dragged Tom off to Save-on, and he dutifully trudged along behind me with the basket while I wove in and out of all the food, sniffing out what would sit in my tummy.

I saw some dips and thought "tzatziki!". Mmmm... suddenly I pictured myself eating cold tztatziki with warmed Naan bread for lunch tomorrow, with some romaine lettuce bits and rance dressing. We hunted down those two items, then I thought "honey nut cheerios!". Got those too, and some peanut butter granola bars, lettuce, cherry blasters candy, and some delish soft mango-flavoured popsicles.

It was great, my stomach called out and all I had to do was seek out whatever made it go "ding ding ding!".

I just had some of that tzatziki and Naan bread with a popsicle--mm mm good. I think I'm almost out of the hurling woods.

And in wedding update news...
I have a different engagement ring now (all white gold). But I won't actually have it till a week before the wedding. Ha. We have decided on plain bands. Mine will be white gold, and Tom's will be yellow gold plated with white gold. The idea for his (and maybe mine too) is to have some kind of engraving on the outside or inside. Perhaps words, perhaps a pattern. His would have the engraving cut deep enough so that the yellow gold showed, surrounded by the white gold. I think it's a very cool concept.

AND I called a non-denominational minister today, and she called me back and she is FREE on the 4th. She sounds like a lot of fun, and pretty cool. She's going to meet with us to help us plan our ceremony. Hooray!

Slowly ticking things off. One thing I won't be able to do though, is get this apartment remotely clean before my mom comes up on Friday. Ulp. Oh well.


Anonymous said...

doesnt matter. you can never have it clean enough to satisfy mom. thats a universal rule.

Krista said...

Yeah. I can see the look on her face if she says "so what can I help you with" and I hand her a toilet brush and Comet.

Raven: yes, that's the ring I'm getting now, instead of the other one.