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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Don't pull my finger

Seriously. This older guy here tells me how great he thinks I am, totally trying to say it in a grandfatherly way I suppose. But today, I gave him back the key to the storage unit and said, "Thanks. That was a very refreshing nap." He laughed and grabbed my fingers along with the key. I managed to pull all but one finger free, and he just tightened his grip on that one last finger. He kept laughing and looking at me and I was smiling but giving him a "what the hell?" look. He let go after a few seconds, but still... it was just weird.


Anonymous said...

hmm..maybe a harmless little tease, but then again. men are known for our scuminess. try not to let this bother you cause i know you will, but if anything like that happnes again with this guy id say hes in desperate need of a reprimand from the powers that be.

my two cents.

Mindy said...

Let me tell you, you might think someone is a harmless tease and then the next thing you know you're getting even worse than your finger violated. I agree with ghost; try to not think about this one time but if it happens again SPEAK UP!

Madamme said...

jJust do what I do - Have really wet clammy hands all the time and no one will want to hold on to them for too long. SO HOT! ;)

moi said...

ew. was it your middle finger? you could have turned it on him if so. actually I would have turned it on him either way.

there should be a line drawn at office touching. does anyone want to rub your tummy yet?

Madamme said...


The tummy rub is so funny. It's like, you become pregnant, and you lose any semblance of personal space you had.

I have had people in the Mall rub my tummy. What is with that?

shenry said...


Krista said...

the powers that be are pretty much him. only people above him are prez and vp. but i'm just steering clear for now.

phoe: hehe good idea. except most of the time my hands are dry. darn.

moi: woulda coulda shoulda. it was my index finger actually. nobody better rub my tummy. no men anyway. women i'd be ok with probably. but if any man here touches my belly, i'll deck 'em.

phoe: how do you STAND it? at the mall?! oh lord.

shenry: yes, yes it was.