Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, December 12, 2005


First I was inspired. Now, I'm sad... and tired.

Well I'm not sad, and I'm not Christian, but Jesus Christ Superstar has to be one of my favourite movies of all time. Snippets of the soundtrack are always popping up in my head.

  • Found bridesmaid dress.
  • Forgot to pay for bridesmaid dress.
  • Bought veil.
  • Paid half as much for veil as my dress was (can we say rip OFF?)
  • Borrowed earrings from my mom that match my dress.
  • Chickened out on shoe shopping because malls are chaos.
  • Viewed chapel we want to be married in.
  • Have yet to hear back on availability of chapel for Feb 4.
  • Viewed room we'd like to have reception in.
  • Have yet to hear back on availability of that room for Feb 4.
  • Got the number of a Polish caterer.
  • Whittled the probably-going-to-come guest list down to 79.
Now I've forgotten what I was originally going to blog about.

Why do I always get toothpaste on the palm of my hand when I brush my teeth? And why do I not notice this until I'm at work and see the big white crusties on my hand?


Anonymous said...

i dont know about the toothpaste thing but i bet if you were a guy and did that and then went to highschool youd get all kinds of hell for it.

Krista said...

lol.. true. But I suppose people could still assume the same of me now...