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Friday, December 09, 2005

4.75 more hours

The sun is shining down on me right now, and my mom is on her way to spend the weekend with me and Tom. We stayed up late cleaning last night, and the apartment is still cluttered, but I think it looks all right. Tom cleaned out the fridge for me, for which I am eternally grateful. He even scrubbed the shelves and vegetable drawers! My hero. One look at the tomato that was mutating and I knew I wouldn't be able to get rid of all the crap in there and keep down my Taco Time dinner. Mmm. So I did dishes and put random stuff away instead. I didn't have time to cut his hair, so he still looks like a bushman on the top, but he did shave, so that handsome face is shining through again.

Shenry, ghost, maybe you can offer up some more of that great he-spousal insight: Tom was in a bad funk last night. He was pissed off when he came home and pissed of the entire night, except for some moments where I managed to squeeze a smile out of him. Nothing I did could improve his mood. He was just pissed. I think it is mostly that with the work he does he is so cold and dirty all the time and he's tired of it. And he's tired a lot. He's tired when he gets home from work, but at 10pm he wakes up and can easily stay up till 3am. I tried to just leave him alone, but I can't help trying a bit to improve his mood. But nothing helped. I hate to think what would have happened had I been in one of my hormonal downswings when he picked me up last night.

<insert picture of mass explosion>

So the day is dragging by, but having the sun shining in is an improvement. I don't know what I'm going to have for lunch today, but I'm thinking soup. I can't believe I kept down a taco last night.


shenry said...

I can't speak for Tom, but a tired shenry is a hellaciously grumpy shenry and there's not much Silver can do about it. Maybe facilitate and expedite my journey to the bedroom by helping make my lunch for the next day or something like that.

Also, if I'm pissed about something at work, the best thing for Silver to do is not take it personally by assuming I'm pissed at her. If she starts to believe I'm upset with her then she starts to get pissy too, and the whole thing escalates. She can also call me out if I snap at her unfairly. "Don't get upset with me; I'm not the one who pissed you off." Something like that usually makes me re-examine my head and keep things in perspective.

Anonymous said...

im notoroious for my mood swings but ive learned as i get older that i have to keep on top of that or i will be like this everynight. sometimes amy and i have this only the revers. shell be upset or just zoned out and ill internalize it and think its me. it escalates because i cant let it go. give tom a little space and ask him if he wants to talk about it. if he doesnt then let it go. hell talk when hes ready.

Krista said...

Thanks guys! I find I do initially take it personally, but then I end up thinking "what the hell. I didn't do anything. Must be work." I don't think I've ever asked him if he wanted to talk about it... he talks when he's ready, but maybe if I asked earlier, that would help him out.

Rally said...

Maybe I should be the one to say what all the guys are thinking but are too polite to say....

First off, they are right, we are mad, dont take it personally. But seriously. Give the guy some space, maybe bring him dinner, or a beer, and give the guy a no questions asked, string free hummer, and there is no way he can be mad after that.

Sure, it isn't the PC thing to say, but it is true. Sometimes we just are pissed about work and want to feel like we are still "the man" even though we arent at work.