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Monday, December 19, 2005

Should I or shouldn't I?

First off, I know I'm in a horrible mood today. Everything is pissing me off and I have no patience for people who cut into my converstaions. I'm cutting them off right back.
The stupid smoke is blowing right in my face today and I'm tempted to take some serious action.
But should I or shouldn't I? I don't know...


Madamme said...

You've been talking about doing something for a long time. Either do it, or you no longer have the right to complain about your work conditions.

It's like people who don't bother to vote who bitch about whoever the current Prime Minister is. You take away your own right to vote, you take away your right to complain.

Same with your work. You take away your right to work in a healthy invironment by not doing something "drastic" to ensure yourself a healthy environment to work in, you take away your right to complain about the conditions.

You know what's going on, and you are fully capable of bringing it to a stop.

Krista said...

I've been bringing it up frequently at work, stalling... this sounds like it got you fired up. You are right of course, I need to find my balls and just make the phone call and get it handled.

I hate it when I turn all wussy because of implied threats from above. I'm good at making waves when I have the guts to.

Madamme said...

Don't even say anything to anyone at work, if you don't have to. If you have already asked that the smoking stop, and nothing has been done about it, just go and get it over with - Complain and have it stop.

Krista said...

I already had a talk with the "controller" of the company. The guy right under the pres and vps and he said that anyone who reported it would be "at a high risk". He wouldn't say of what, but I know he meant termination of employment. They can't really do that, but I know my life would be hell here if anyone suspected me, and I really need to keep a full-time job till we buy a place.

Madamme said...

They cannot fire you if you take it to labour standards. Then not only can you get them for creating an unhealthy work environment, but you can exploit them for wrongful termination. The rest of the damn population smokes outside, I don't know why this is such a hard thing for your co-workers and employers to understand. They are breaking the law.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I was travelling blog to blog to blog, and I just had to say....

What is with your incessant whining? I thought Phoenix Rising would be about the experience of being reborn from the ashes, but instead you sit there and whine and moan about every tiny detail in life, looking for some sort of positive interaction with someone on the internet. You really need to either do something about everything that is bothering you, or stop your incessant whining. Perhaps if you spent more time bettering yourself, or fixing the issues around you, you would find your life more enjoyable to live in.

That being said, the constant posts from people here always trying to cheer you up or make you feel better about the fact that everything is wrong, truly does empower you to continue. Just a thought, perhaps I missed something. Perhaps your need for constant attention is more or less then it appears from the outside, only you can answer that...or whine about how I was mean to you.

supertomek said...

Well, I guess some people need to whine a little, while others get their jollies by cruzin' blogs and putting people down under the guise of constructive criticism, from the safety of anonymous posts. If they ever got a break from this arduous, but oh-so necessary work, I'm sure they'd start a blog of their very own, in which, in their boundless compassion, they'd proceed to enlighten the world on the subject of proper blog etiquette, by telling us each and every day just how grand their own existence is, and how lowly and just sad everybody else's. Please, oh Merciful One, grant us but a dingle-berry of Thy infinite wisdom - how shall we live?


Anonymous said...

What the dumbass is missing is the fact that the people who read your blog actually care about what your writing, and are giving honest opinions about your concerns. Maybe what we don't understand is that by anonymously posting mean things on random peoples' blogs it makes him feel better about having a tiny dick, or no girlfriend or something. I say, it's your blog and you write what ever the hell you want. If people don't like they can phuq off.

moi said...

dear anonymous,

If you don't like it, don't read it!

move on.

life is too short to complain, no?