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Friday, December 16, 2005

shoes off at work

I refuse to wear my shoes. Luckily the #1 and #2 aren't here. I think I'd topple over if I wore them, and they are only clogs. Anyone know how to make dizziness go away, other than sleep?


Madamme said...

I'm not dizzy - Just accident-prone as hell. I have fallen down the stairs twice, and fell UP the stairs yesterday at work. I just make sure I wear only flat shoes, because if I were to wear my usual non-pregnant stilettos, I'd be dead by now.

And there's not only the falling, but I also walk into inanimate objects (like my desk, door jambs, etc.) and I drop EVERYTHING. It's crazy.

Krista said...

Wow! Be careful there! I get tipsy and walk into stuff when I'm dizzy, and I've slipped on the stairs a couple of times, but no tumbles yet. Handrails are my friend. :)