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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Reception breakdown

I'm impressed with myself... I really am.

Hi Mom,
Okay, I think this is how it's going to go. Tom and I are going to tweak the people on his side going to the chapel a bit, and at the reception we are going to book the hall we saw last night. It's big, and that way we can have some of Tom's mom's friends (but we are going to try to keep it to those that Tom knows and would like to invite), and some of Tom's friends that couldn't come to the wedding ceremony. But because my number of people are the minority, they will all come to both. And I'm going to make sure there are not 3x as many of his as my people there. But the number at the reception is going to go up a bit. Tom and I are going to go over the 3 lists tonight (my guest list, his and his mom's) and pick those that will come to the receptoin. Then Tom will tell his mom that's who's going to be invited. We are not going to let it become a big complicated deal. Then at the reception, Tom and I will pay for the hall and table rental (they don't have round tables there) and Toms parents will pay for their guests portion of the catering as well as the booze, and you and daddy can pay for our families guests' catering. I think this will be fair and reasonable all around.
The ceremony will stay in the little chapel, just the reception will be a little bigger, but between the three of us (you and daddy, me and Tom, and his parents) we can have the reception be enjoyable and affordable for all.
i hope this sounds good to you!
Love you big!


Madamme said...

Do you have a web site for your chapel? I would love to see it.

That was our Chapel. . . And other than the BIG picture of Jesus up at the front, it was perfect. . .

Anonymous said...

Glad to see things are settling, don't get too stressed, it's not good for the little one. In my humble experience I've found that you have to start now letting your in-laws know that you and Tom are going to be in charge. My mom can be a little much at times, but Kellie and I just said from day one, when we wnat your opinion, we'll ask. Good for you standing up for yourself. Sounds like a compromise was reached, just wanted to chime in!

Oobie said...

Wow, congratulations...that's really cool. Weddings rock! Hope it's all wonderful - really.

shenry said...

"We are not going to let it become a big complicated deal."

All weddings are big and complicated.

Perhaps I should qualify that sentence as such: all wedding I have attended eventually became stressfully complicated endeavors, despite the bride and groom promising each other to keep things happy and simple. Is it to late for me suggest eloping?

If you can make the wedding experience --from preplanning to post-reception-- pleasurable and stress-free then you should write a "How To" book. And really, it looks like your doing okay. I like this new idea, small ceremony with a bigger reception. Negotiate and compromise without getting emotionally worked up.

Anonymous said...

mine was perfect. we had comic releif in our two girls being part of it. they didnt want to sit still. one ran into the audience. the other ran around me and crawled between my legs. there was some stress when my ex mother in law tried to turn the peoples and preachers of the church against us and both of the pastors who said they would do it backed out two weeks before the day, but i managed to get an old family friend who is also a pastor to perform the ceremony. all in all it worked out perfectly.

Mindy said...

I'm glad you worked out a plan. I have always said that I didn't want a wedding. Sometimes though I think maybe I will but then I read stuff like this and I think not. I have such a small family and he has such a huge one that I feel like we would have issues. Two of my friends say I HAVE to have one but I think I would rather have a kickass honeymoon.

Krista said...

I found a pic of the chapel! I hadn't been able to before we viewed it, but here it is: on the outside. Inside is all wood, sloping ceiling, and at the opposite end of the front door is a gorgeous stained glass window. It's tiny, but adorable.

We didn't end up finishing the guest list last night because I slept the entire afternoon and evening after a little check up at the doctors... I fell asleep at the doctors too.

Yeah, now that I've stood up formyself once, I think I'll be able to do it more often.

Thanks Lauren! :)

Shenry, great idea. I should start keeping a day by day of what we did so that I CAN write a book when it is all over. Sweet. I think the number one thing I'm following is "be creative". Tom doesn't think I'm being flexible, but it's not that I'm not being flexible, it's that I have to make decisions now, and I am, and that is narrowing the whole thing down to one way.

mindy: Have a wedding!! Even if it's a small one! I just keep imagining walking down the aisle towards tom, and I can't help but thinking it's going to feel so wonderful, but I'm going to totally get the giggles.

moi said...

the chapel looks so quaint. a lovely choice, it sounds like everything is coming together!