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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

more ripples

Now my mom isn't happy. She's decided that she wants her and my dad to pay for the wedding in its entirety. She doesn't understand about the large reception, and she doesn't feel good about it, I think mainly because of how I first explained it to her (I was a little upset). So, note to self and everyone else: if something happens to make you freak out: tell your maid of honour--scream at her, cry to her, but don't put that on your mom's plate!


Anonymous said...

yeah...probably a good idea.

Madamme said...

Mummies want to hear and help with their daughter's weddings. It's natural. Maybe just explain to her that Tom and his family's opinion needs to be taken into consideration and that you are HAPPY of the compromise of the large party reception, and that so is Tom and his family. So, if everyone is happy, even if it's different than your original picture in your head - Then she can be happy, too.

And I think it would really offend Tom's family if all of a sudden their money, opinions, etc were no longer valued. They want to be a part of it, too.

I think your mom is just trying to stick up for you, but causing BIGGER waves between the 2 families isn't going to make anything easier or better.