Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Okay, it's not that bad

Really. I just don't see this job taking me anywhere and it's driving me nuts somedays. Sometimes knowing the money is coming in just isn't enough.
I have 2 tutoring students now, and I'm hoping I can keep that ball rolling and maybe get more, because that's definitely work I can do on mat leave some evenings a week, and it pays pretty darn well... nearly 3x per hour what I make sitting here.
Anywho, I'm just frustrated today, but I'm blaming it on hormones. Heh. I can do that.
I think when I cut Tom's hair tonight, I'm going to give him a mohawk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

granted im not the greatest at boy girl relationship issues, but you prolly outta run that mohawk idea by him before you go to snippin. just a thought.