Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I can't begin to say

how much I do not want to be at work today. I am practically counting the days till I take my maternity leave. 7 months to go. I think. I keep blog-hopping, spacing out, wandering to the water cooler, coming back, and only 1 1/2 hours has passed--and all I have to look forward to is filling out invoices and doing stats. Ugh. Somedays I really can't stand this job. And today is one of those days. I want to be home with our Christmas tree that almost touches the ceiling, I want to know where we are having our wedding and reception. I want to plan that, not sit here and do this pointless stupid shit. Ugh.
But I do have 2 tutoring students now, so maybe I can grow from there and then just not come back from mat leave.
And I'm worried that because my dress is so simple, it's really going to show if I have even a little bit of a tummy. And I do wonder what people think--I shouldn't care, but I totally and completely do.

Somebody tell me something to get me through this day. And tomorrow. And the rest of them. In this pitiful existance.


Anonymous said...

so if you have a lil girl, whats her name gonna be? boy? that outta keep you busy for a while.

as far as pitiful existence goes, it seems to me that youve got a great life going...

theres always the naked angels assignment.

Krista said...

Hm. Yes, angels loom. Pitiful existance applies only to work. Boy/girl names.... we're looking at Isabela, Julia, Lucas... I like Arek, but Tom knows 2 Arek's and they were both dumbasses, so that ruled that name out.

The names have to be Polish AND english, so it's limiting....