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Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, December 12, 2005


Lately I've been having a lot of bad dreams. Not as bad as the night I finished college, though. That night, I dreamed that I was being chased by ninja-star flinging ninjas all night.

Last night was pretty bad though, and I couldn't get out of it. I kept waking up, and thinking it was over, then I'd wait a bit, fall back asleep, and continue right where I left off. My mom, dad and I drove to some lady's house and she had a mini cesspool in her driveway. We stayed there permanently and only worked from 1-3 each day. She fed us and everything, and there were other people staying there too. I don't know what the work entailed, probably something to do with the cesspool or whatever made the horrid stink that was around her house. I started feeling that something was very wrong, because no one wanted to leave. Everyone seemed to get zombified or something. My parents disappeared at some point in the dream, but my mom's car was still in the driveway. I was told to shower at one point, but I didn't want to put the water on me because I figured it would absorb into me and the zombifying would start. I wanted to escape. I needed to escape. So I just wet the ends of my hair to make it look like I'd showered.. even though the ends dry first in real life. Weird. And it was just a whole lot of being friendly to the main lady, trying not to show that I wasn't eating or drinking anything, and looking out at the barren farmland around us and trying to figure out which way to go, which road to take.... I never did escape.
In wedding-related news, Tom and I are not renting a limo. Instead, my mom is going to lend us her cherry red, souped up BMW 525I station wagon to be driven around in. We just have to find a driver she'd trust. Sweeeeet. It's a gorgeous car. Much more festive than a black or white limo.

1 comment:

shenry said...

You have cool dreams with ninjas and zombies. I have no dreams. Remember, zombies are vulnerable in the head. Just beat them in the head or something.

Have I ever told you that I have a perfect driving record? Well, I do. .:hint, hint:.