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Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Bloody christmas lights

What was supposed to be a romantic cozy evening decorating the tree while sipping eggnog and listening to peaceful Christmas music turned into a bit of a clusterphuq because of the bloody Christmas tree lights. First Tom gave up, then I gave up, then Tom fixed them and then I felt better, so I started putting on the decorations, and Tom got tired, so he put a few on, and then we turned off all the lights except those on the Christmas tree and dozed on the futon for a while.
Last night I had a dream that I was in a convenience store with Sung, one of Tom's coworkers. Sung was trying to buy cigarettes, and the guy behind the counter asked him for ID. Sung gave him his drivers licence. The guy looked at the pic, which was from about 8 years ago, and said it wasn't Sung and the guy in the pic was too young anyway. Sung tried to argue with him and so did I because it was bullshit, but then I decided to just by the cigs myself. I handed him my drivers license and he said it wasn't me in the picture because I wouldn't wear the kind of shirt I was wearing in the pic. In the pic I was wearing a yellow hoodie, and that night in my dream I was wearing a gray one. So I pointed out the strings on the hoodie in the photo and showed him that I was wearing the same shirt now. He still wouldn't hand over the cigarettes, so I told him he was being racist and sexist and.... some other good stuff that I'd only think of in my dream, and he gave us the cigarettes.
Tomorrow night my mom is coming for the weekend and we are going to look for wedding things and view the chapel that is near where I live in the hopes that it looks big enough.
Our apartment is a pit again because there are Christmas decoration boxes everywhere, and glitter, and lights... ugh. I'll be cleaning tonight.
I hate it when people write "Christmas" as "Xmas". And I don't think I minded until someone I used to know pointed out that they hated it.


Anonymous said...

Your christmas tree lights and decorations sound just like what happens at my house every year. You get to teh point of frustration, then you finally get it all working and you realize it is worth the whole ordeal. Last year Jay was only 7 months old and wasn't walking, so this year we are experiencing the joy of having all the low hanging ornaments being pulled off adn scattered around the house. It is actually kinda fun.

Anonymous said...

the "x" in x-mas is actually the symbol closest to the Greek letter, "chi", which was used as a sort of secret symbol for christian meeting places and such in the days when Christians weren't so cool. I think the original meaning of that might have been lost somewhere along the way (NOT unlike the meaning of Christmas itself, honestly), but I almost like it better to write x-mas, because it traces what has largely become a faith of sheep to its very early, punk roots!

supertomek said...

hehe - punk christian roots :)

so X used to mark the spot even back then, eh? :)

faith of sheep - i listened recently to this american AM radio conspiracy show i downloaded who knows how long ago, and in it the dude calls the people of america sheeple repeatedly, as he expounds "proofs" that there's a pre-religion from which the main religions all stem, and how the powers that be in 'merica are well staffed with the united rosicrucians, freemasons, magi, and all those fun dudes, who are all sorta followers of that religion or at least some of its cenrta mysteries or whatever - it was hard to follow, and the dude made it sound like it was so obvious. i donno, maybe i'm just another sheeperson.