Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, November 03, 2005


I accepted ghost's challenge and signed up for nanowrimo.... and so far my novel is a measly 300 words long. sigh.

How do people fit work, chores and pleasure (the bedroom kind and others) into each day? It doesn't seem possible.


Anonymous said...

You should feel good. Mine I don't think is quite 300 words. I've got a mental map planned out, but I SUCK!!! You would think that if you read enough books, you could do it. But alas, I SUCK!!! Oh well, it's kinda fun trying. Damn ghost!!!

shenry said...

If I were to completely ignore my blog, ignore all emails, ignore all my daily read... I might be able to complete nanowrimo.

Check out my disheartening calculations:

I types slow 30-wpm. I would need to set aside 27:47 (hours:minutes) to write 50,000 words. If I were to type M-F (leave weekends free) then I'd need to type non-stop for 1:30 hours every workday.

That calculation assumes I write diarrhea of the mind. Freestyle, without pauses to think and formulate. Ha! If I want a semi-coherent plot and story I need to add at least 30-minutes to my daily writing. If I want to perform research so that my facts are straight then add a couple more minutes. If I want to proof read and edit then add more time. It really snowballs into one huge task... though not impossible. There are always ways to make time in your life. Skip Desperate Housewives and Boston Legal. Write double on weekends. Take vacation time. Get a divorce.

This is my conundrum. If I make a commitment to do it, then I better do it for realz. No dilly-dallying. No excuses. 50,000 or failure. Why even go at it if I'm not going to push myself and test my limits? So the question is: Am I willing to set aside over 2-hours/day of my life for this noble goal? I still don't know.

Anonymous said...

shenry. man. why you gotta go and get all scientific? im doing it. no excuses. 50, 000 or bust. phx: my much less scientific calculations were 6 pages a day and youd have 180 which should cover the 50, 000 words. its a monumental task, but its about the story, not the word count. okay so maybe it is about the word count but i knopw you can do it. though i will admit, i do have some catching up to do this weekend. matherly: no sucking.

Phil Plasma said...

I didn't check what nanowrimo is, but from the replies it seems to be a story of 50,000 words. If I had known about this during my 'trying to get laid off' period of my previous job, I figure I could have churned that out in a week or two. I had already started a story about Doug (copernicus may have read some of it), I would have just had to continue it.

As for how do I fit everything into a day that needs to get done? I don't. Nearly every day something that is supposed to happen, doesn't. Just make sure the important things get done, everything else doesn't really matter.

As for typing slow, I don't.