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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Calming down

Where is the creativity? This has become a bitch blog. Yuck. I'm surprised y'all are still reading (see the Texasism, matherly? ghost? aren't you proud of me? :)

So I'm taking your advice, with slow deep breaths. I feel like I can slow down time just by doing one thing at a time in slow measured steps, focusing on one at a time, completing, and starting a new, taking a rest or a break when I need to, but not frantically speeding hither and thither like a fart in a mitt (as my mom would say).

I got a shit load done last night by just taking it one thing at a time. I even got my hair dry before I went to bed. That is huge progress!! Ever go to work after having slept on wet long hair all day? I don't recommend it.

We are now in our fourth straight day of thick fog, and I'm thinking that probably has a play in all this too--I feel very closed in. But I can't let the weather get the best of me. With the 7-9 months of rain we get here per year, that would be suicide.

I love living on the coast, but sometimes I wonder about moving farther inland, where it snows instead of rains.

I miss the snow. And the creativity.


Anonymous said...

it will come. before you know it, youll have more ideas than time to get them all out of your soul. i live for times like that.

Anonymous said...

btw. i love that we texans are spreading our isms to canada. matherly would be proud also. but you should know, that "fart in a mitten thing," well now, i see some canada comong to texas in the near future.

bedshaped said...

Creativity never leaves you, it just goes dormant every now and then.

shenry said...

Mountains are where it's at.