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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

it always seems to go like this...

Okay, so yesterday as Tom was driving us home, I got horribly carsick. I didn't blow chunks or anything, but I had to go to bed as soon as I got home. I woke up 2 1/2 hours later still feeling spinny and nauseous, dragged my sorry ass to my computer and finished some promo work I had to do. Then I wobbled over to the kitchen, made some lunches and went to bed again...

Woke up this morning still feeling totally carsick. And I have to work each evening this week after regular work, plus I'm doing a one-day first aid course on Friday for which I have to be able to think and retain data. Then it's looking like Friday night, Saturday and Sunday I'll be playing in a softball tournament.

I feel horrible. But there's no time to slow down. Fingers crossed that my chiro appointment tonight fixes this.


Anonymous said...

poor girl. feel better.

Anonymous said...

Will chiro help dizziness? IDK, I've never been to one, just wondering. Hope things are ok. Maybe it wasn't carsick, but food poisoning. Good luck!

Madamme said...

Or maybe your pregnant. I don't get morning sickness, I get all-day nausea. Wouldn't hurt to do a "test".

Krista said...

I figured it might be something to do with my neck being out. But the chiro got cancelled. Damn. So I'm just having an easy evening--although now Tom and I are frying potatoes. Yikes.

Phoe--even 3 days after my period finished?

Madamme said...

Well, maybe not that soon. :)