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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Cooking with Spike

Tom and me were watching Cowboy Bebop which has got to be the BEST anime out there--and I'm not a fan. It's cool cuz we're watching the original so it's all Japanese w/ English subtitles... the only word I understand is "Spii-KUH", which is Spike, of course:Then there's Faye:
And Ed
I think we're pretty early on in the series because Faye just joined Spike and the other guy--Ein (the dog) is already with them, but Ed is nowhere to be seen. Hm. I'm getting drawn in. I can't do anything when the TV is on. It's hypnotic, and that's the main reason I really don't like it. I get sucked in and then 3 hours pass and I've done nothing at all. I can't stand that.

Tom and I got adventurous tonight; we are frying potatoes. At first we were keeping it covered, and I'd lift the lid to spit like crazy and landed one shot on my inner elbow. Ouch! So then we got smart and left the lid off, thereby letting the water evaporate as it arrived, because if we kept the lid on, the water would just sink down to the bottom under all the oil and then get very hot and instantly turn to vapour and evaporate through the oil, spraying me with oil in the process. Who-da thunk?

So... yeah. It was my idea to make the potatoes for something to eat because my stomach is a nightmare and Tom had the munchies. And now I'm sitting here blogging while he cooks all the potatoes. I shouldn't be complaining should I? heh.

Well he did give me the job of putting the ironing board away, and mixing some drinks (Matherly, don't look):

in our totally awesome drinking glasses that we brought back from Spain. Mine, unfortunately will remain empty tonight. sigh.

Quote of the night: Aww right... I like a girl with her socks turned insideout.

As an aside, I can't stand it when someone goes to make love to me and can't even be bothered taking their socks off. What the hell? (Tom's very good at taking his socks off before jumping me though. *smile*)


Anonymous said...

::gags::....Whiskey.....ok, I'm better. You'd think you were down here in Texas, frying up taters and all. Never really got into Cowboy Bebop, I'm more of and Adult Swim kinda guy. I guess I'm around enough middle school kids, that I find Aqua Teen Hunger Force funny. But, I'm wiht you on TV, it's sucks you in, then's 2:0 am, and you gotta get up at 5:30. It's evil and I'm in love with it......who'd of thunk it.

Anonymous said...

cowboy bebop is absolutly brilliant. i bought the complete series last spring and watched it in two sittings. between that and trigun i didnt sleep for an entire week. fried tators does sound like a texas thang doesnt it, matherly?

Anonymous said...

:) bebop is a great series!

shenry said...

Cowboy Bebop is that good, eh? Perhaps once I'm done with Farscape (I'm only on Season 1) I'll hit Cowboy Bebop.

shenry said...

W is yet another puppet of the Illuminati. Every prez since the dawn of our country has been controlled by the Illuminati. The only reason we haven't been completely subjugated... Charlton Hesston and good ol' Amendment #2.

But I'm not Texan, ergo my opinion is of the worst variety... it's unsolicited.

shenry said...

damnit! that last comment is supposed to go on your other post!

supertomek said...

i love cowboy bebop because its a bit more grown up that sailor moon, the sound track absolutely rocks (yoko kanno is a genius), and the animation has its moments too. the best animation bits i can think of from this series are from the episode about pierrot le fou. cowboy bebop used to be featured on adult swim, but then they started showing more and more sailor moon type crap. why would anyone but 13-yr-olds get off of this?
anywho, cowboy bebop rox :)

Mindy said...

Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like being 'jumped' with socks on!