Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Pfft. Rain. Pfft. Mood swings.

I've been laying low since Friday. It felt good to hole up in our apartment for a couple of days. I think we only left it twice all weekend. Friday night we played Super Mario Bros till 2 a.m., while working our way through half a bottle of whiskey. Yum.

I'd been having trouble sleeping and migrated back and forth from futon to bed throughout the night. I'd blast out of bed, all hot, twitchy, pissed off and uncomfortable, and Tom would scoop up pillows and blankets and follow. It was the sweetest thing.

Saturday and Sunday was more resting and cleaning inbetween rounds of Mario. I just kind of retreated from everything... and while it had its good points (I'm absolutely heels-over-head exploding with joy in love), I also started feeling a bit.... bleck.... because I wasn't doing anything. I have no idea what it feels like to feel completely good doing nothing. Because part of me always says I'll feel better if I get this or that done. And it's right.

So yesterday I emerged, and went back to work with a hideously bad hair day. In the evening I met with the woman who runs the school that I'm starting the tutoring centre out of, and we planned promotion for a seminar she is putting on in the beginning of November.

I feel kind of frightened that it's finally moving forward. Now that I'm not stangnant, there's a chance of failure. But its a chance for me to create something that will leave a lasting sensation of fulfilledness in me.

In other news, I successfully sauteed green and yellow peppers and onion to put on top of our pasta for lunch today. Yum.

And Shenstar and I are putting our collective poetic geniuses together... but I think we'll keep it secret till we can unleash our completed work of genius with a flourish that will echo around the world. Yeah!


shenry said...

Some days should be filled with nothing. Or is it more appropriate to say some days should be emptied of everything? 'Tis good for the mind and body and soul and Mario.

Yes. We shall unleash our masterpiece and the world will collectively gasp. After exactly 3.1415 seconds of silence all of humanity will weep turquoise tears of delight... and we shall lick those tears off the faces of babies, babes, and old women, alike. We will feast upon their emoting emotions and nourish our souls on their exuberance.

Sorry, I got a bit worked up there.

Anonymous said...

yes. i am anticipating this momentous event. mesmerize those of us not worth the spit in your mouth with your poetic elegance.

Anonymous said...

I love days where you can just lay around the house, but I always have to follow them up with days of getting out for an extended amount of the day. I think you should worry if you ever hit a place in your life where you're comfortable with laying around ALL the time.