Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

3 things

A meme from Shenry, who got it from Robynn .

[x]three names you go by[x]
1. phx
2. rabuctionist
3. slonko

[x]three parts of your heritage[x]
1. German
2. Scottish
3. Canadian

[x]three things that scare you[x]
1. spiders
2. the thought of dying or those I love dying
3. being alone in the dark watching a freaky movie

[x]three of your everyday essentials[x]
1. water
2. clean underwear
3. sleep

[x]three things you are wearing right now[x]
1. a blue button down shirt
2. black dress pants
3. a black blazer

[x]three favorite musical artists[x]
1. Billy Joel
2. Bruce Springsteen
3. The Who

[x]three favorite songs[x]
1. The Stranger - Billy Joel
2. Streets of Philadelphia - Bruce Sprinsteen
3. Acid Queen - The Who

[x]three things you want in a relationship[x]
1. me
2. Tom
3. open communication

[x]two truths and a lie[x]
1. I am bi-curious
2. I am perpetually underweight
3. I have something in my * %$&ing eye

[x]three physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to you[x]
1. eyes
2. smile
3. arms

[x]three of your favorite hobbies[x]
1. blogging
2. acrobatics with Tom
3. snowboarding

[x]three things you want to do really badly right now[x]
1. sleep
2. snuggle with Tom
3. sleep

[x]three places you want to go on vacation[x]
1. Chile
2. Scotland
3. home

[x]three things you want to do before you die[x]
1. Find myself
2. Change the world
3. Have kids

[x]three ways that you are stereotypically a chick/dude[x]
1. Mood swings
2. Curves in the right places (for now)
3. When I'm bloated I imagine I'm pregnant

(bedshaped tagged me a few days ago... and I'm working on it.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i found myself once. i dint like what i was. so i threw it back. like a fish.