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Thursday, October 27, 2005

the 21st random thing

With all the talk of Texan taters, I remembered something I forgot to add to my 21 random things:
21. I was once classified as an Illegal Alien Attempting Entry by the great US of A, and refused entry. And my home was in the states at the time.
And with W being a fellow Texan and all, how do y'all feel about that?


Anonymous said...

actually, im from w's hometown. i back george w. *shruggs* im sure that puts me at odds with most everyone right now. but thats the way i see it right now.

Anonymous said...

i think id be super pissed if the usa tried to tell me i wasnt allowed in. they let EVERYONE in.

Mindy said...

You don't want to get me started on what I think of W!

Anonymous said...

You're suppossed to hide yourself in the dash of a 1985 Ford Pinto, and then sneak across the border. That's how you get into the US. You know I've supported Bush for a long time. He isn't the smartest person, but he isn't afraid to take action (whether it's right or wrong) and most of teh time that is the "other option", somoen who will sit back and do nothing. I don't know, I think thre are things that are wrong with our government, but it's hard for me to tag that on just one person's time in office. I think it ahs taken us a LONG time to get as screwed up as we are. God bless the USA!!!!

shenry said...

W is yet another puppet of the Illuminati. Every prez since the dawn of our country has been controlled by the Illuminati. The only reason we haven't been completely subjugated... Charlton Hesston and good ol' Amendment #2.

But I'm not Texan, ergo my opinion is of the worst variety... it's unsolicited.

supertomek said...

naw, man - the rosicrucians want you to think its the illuminati, while its actually the freemasons pulling the strings :)

Anonymous said...

Tom's right, it's the free masons. But oh well, we'll just get another jackass in there and he'll be a polar opposite of W, and then everyone will complain, that they don't do anything. And by the way Phx, I definietly don't post that early on my site, especially from work. I think it ahs to do with either my blog site not registering time correctly, or our firewall at work, screwing stuff up.::shrugs::

Krista said...

I agree with ghost and matherly...