Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, May 11, 2006


I came home at 11:30 today... my back was hurting a lot at work and I didn't feel like I could sit all day without being totally uncomfortable. Plus I was having periods of feeling dizzy and like I was going to pass out. So I told everyone I needed to tell that I was going home, and I left. I had to tell the Pres because I'm putting together reports for him right now, and he actually smiled sympathetically at me and asked me if my pregnancy was getting difficult. He's been in a good mood the last two days. Like a still-smoking, but cheerful dragon.

So I dozed at home till about 4:30 and then Tomek was home a little after 5. He'd had some beers with co-workers after work, and also a cigarette. I really really can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke. I guess I do kind of hope he changes jobs--I don't think the guys he works with are setting particularly good examples. 3 of them have kids, and those same three smoke pot and drink beer after work and I think one or two of them smoke pot during work as well and one of them who has full custody of his daughter smokes pot every day. I don't like that. If Tomek were to apply to one of the bigger companies, like the Telus monopoly, he could probably get a higher-paying job, and he might just work with people who are a bit, well, above those he's working with now. I've hung out with the guys he works with, and they are nice, a little rough around the edges, but polite enough and pretty cool to hang out with... but I wouldn't want Tomek to BE like them at all. He's got more smarts, more ambition, more class, I think. Do I sound like a snob yet? Plus he could potentially apply to work farther east, in which case we could move farther east without the concern of his commute. Of course, then when I start back at work I'd have a longer commute, but maybe I could find something else more out that way too. I think we are both hankering to be a little farther from the big city. But I wonder if that hankering will reverse itself in a couple of years.

Anywho, I started crying again this evening, just feeling like certain things were so hopeless and I couldn't do anything about them no matter how hard I did try. Bleah. I hate feeling that low. But then Tomek showered so the cigarette smell was gone, and I found a menu for a Japanese restaurant nearby that we got in the mail, and I saw that they had these boxes with salad, tempura, cucumber rolls and vegetable teriyaki for $4.95. I was going to make a taco salad with chili instead of taco meat, and before that I was considering just going to Taco Time, but those foods just weren't quite jangling my chimes. So we went to Jun Sushi. I ate less than half of what was in the box: 1 piece of tempura, the salad, a bit of the teriyaki and all 6 cucumber rolls. Drool. The cucumber rolls and salad TOTALLY hit the spot. Lately I just want cold drinks and crunchy cold refreshing food. Mmmmm... plus cucumber makes me burp, so I kept burping and then the taste of the cucumber rolls was in my mouth again and I would go Mmmm all over again. Tomek bought me an extra order of cucumber rolls, for $1.07 I think, and I'm going to take it to work tomorrow with my leftover teriyaki and tempura. Plus a salad and an apple. And some crackers and peanut butter. Yum. I can't wait for lunch tomorrow.

I think we made some progress with the real estate hunting. We went on the local real estate site and found 27 condos that fit our request of 2 bedroom under 200,000. We checked the strata fees, square footage, and locations on a map, and picked 13 that we would be interested in checking out. I think only 1 or 2 realy appealed to us, but we figure it's good to get out and get looking, at the places and the areas. So I hope our real estate "agent" gets back to us soon so we can get looking.

Tomek is going to a stag party this weekend. He'll be gone Friday night through Sunday morning. :( Fortunately, my Saturday has filled up fast, with work, a meeting and a visit with Wendy, my maid of honour, who I haven't seen since the wedding. Maybe I'm just a paranoid, moody baby but the idea of being away from him that long already is bugging me. And next weekend I'll be gone for 4 days to visit my parents and brothers.

Well now it's 9:30 and I should probably get ready for bed. I went to bed after midnight last night and I think that might have contributed to my overall feeling of crappy today.

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